Uncovering the atypical glycosylation of neutrophil glycoproteins

About This Webinar

Neutrophil azurophilic granule glycoproteins – atypical glycans

While neutrophils are critical first-responders of the immune system, they also cause tissue damage and act in a variety of autoimmune diseases. Many neutrophil proteins, myeloperoxidase being an abundant example, are N-glycosylated. This post-translational modification may affect, among other things, enzymatic activity, receptor interaction and protein backbone accessibility, yet it also remains undercharacterized in many biological settings.

To investigate the glycosylation of neutrophil proteins, we first investigated isolated myeloperoxidase by native MS and bottom-up glycoproteomics, uncovering abundant but uncommon glycosylation features such as pauci- and phosphomannosylation that could be matched between the bottom-up and native levels. Using this baseline information, we extended our LC-MS/MS-based analyses to the full neutrophil glycoproteome.

This session was recorded in April 2023.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Glycoproteomics analysis of complex samples.
  • Impact of sample preparation, mass spectrometry and data analysis on your observed glycoproteome.
  • The rich diversity of neutrophil glycosylation, primarily accessible at the glycopeptide level.