Oligonucleotide Analysis
Perform high throughput oligo analysis to characterize sequences, determine molecular weight, identify and quantify impurities, and analyze digested nucleotides
Explore Workflows
Intact Analysis
Automatic MS/MS spectral annotation, MS level deconvolution, and identification
Multi-Protein Quantitation
Faster cell line selection, curated HCP quantitation, and instant protein mixture results
Align and compare multiple peptide maps to an annotated reference map
Peptide-Level Analysis
Identification of proteins and modified peptides in complex samples
Recommended Resources

WEBINARMS Analysis of Intact Oligonucleotides
Explore advanced workflows for oligonucleotide analysis, focusing on fragmentation and MS2 annotation.

VIDEO SERIESWorking with Oligonucleotide Workflows
Learn how to automate oligonucleotide data processing, handle raw files, define sequences, and generate custom reports.

VIDEO SERIESWorking with Digested Oligo Workflows
Learn Byos Digested Oligonucleotide workflows, modification setup, investigation tools, and custom report creation.

PUBLICATIONAutomated LCMS Analysis of Oligonucleotide Samples
Improve your organization’s efficiency and capability with automated LCMS analysis of synthetic oligos.