Research Spotlight on Higher Order Structure

Explore higher-order structure in these videos on plasma-induced modification and bacterial microcompartment assembly insights.

Series Content

Plasma Induced Biomolecule Modification

Immuto uses Protein Metrics software to streamline protein analysis workflows, enabling fast, cost-effective structural insights for diverse proteins with reliable data visualization
5 mins

Native Assembly of Bacterial Microcarbons

William Raeseger maps bacterial microcompartment assembly, using Protein Metrics software for cross-linking and oxidative footprinting to reveal protein interactions.
4 mins

Learn More

Byos General

Knowledge Base general articles for using Byos

Protein 3D File (pdb) Configuration

Knowledge Base article looking at protein 3D file (pdb) configuration

How To Set MSMS Digestion Search Using Byonic

Knowledge Base article on how to set MSMS digestion search using Byonic

Integrating Byos with GraphPad Prism for Comprehensive Visual Analysis

Application note for Byos and GraphPad Prism integration

More Resources

The HDX tutorial series explains how to set up HDX workflows, analyze deuterium uptake, and generate detailed protein reports.
An easy guide to getting started with HDX analysis, including all our HDX workflows.
The Byonic tutorials explain MS/MS integration, peptide searches, charge adjustments, filtering PSMs, and report generation.
Dive into HDX MS analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, focusing on glycopeptide inclusion and its challenges.

Get started with Protein Metrics