Featured Resources
Implementing an Enterprise Solution for MAM with LC-UV-MS

Move from the Desktop environment to a true Enterprise one with the same workflows. Byosphere® brings the capability to create dashboards, provide queries, and get away from cutting and pasting from hen external data repositories.

Automation of Glycan and Peptide Mapping and Improving Efficiency and Quality

More samples, more tests and more complex modalities. Sound familiar? As Pfizer increased the number of assays to perform, Thomas Powers underscores that it is also critical to automate original routine assays and describes challenges tackled along the path.

Biosimilar Characterization

Seamlessly move between non-GxP and GxP to satisfy regulatory requirements with Byosphere. Regardless of the mass spec platform scientists can create workflows that allow comparisons with speed and with confidence

EAD: Making characterization of complex biotherapeutics routine

A new fragmentation technique with Sciex's ZenoTOF 7600 with a deep dive into the characterization of PTMs, S-S bond mapping and more with Byos

Automated Feedback Control of Protein Characteristics in a Perfusion Bioprocess

“Open-loop control” is standard control strategy for biomanufacturing – Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) are maintained within set ranges by controlling Critical Process Parameters (CPPs). Mass spectrometry is an ideal tool for PAT.

Monitoring System Suitability – Byosphere Dashboards

Comparing batches? Assessing digestion completion? Tracking over-alkylation? Learn about the rational for the types of dashboard constructed to monitor these important aspects of laboratory operations.

EU UGM 2022 – Structural Determinants Regulating Viral Spike Glycosylation and Biomolecular Interactions

Weston Strewe explores the structural biophysics of host-pathogen interactions and how glycosylation effects in viral infection

EU UGM 2023: Protein Metrics’ MAM application as a robust standard for PTM detection in large scale forced degradation studies

Creating robust standards and high throughput method development for large scale forced degradation studies and PTM reporting

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