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Database Search of Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Oligonucleotides

In collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, Rose discusses MS1 and MS2 analysis of oligonucleotides and the application of Byonic proteomics features for these molecules

Native MS and Cell Line Development

With increasing complexity and volume of biotherapeutics, Janssen describe how they are implementing Byosphere to bring clarity to manage their workflows and deliver concise information when and where its needed.

Generating Wisdom from Raw Data

From wine, to marsupials to viruses. The amount of work happening today to understand biology has and will continue to exponentially increase. Join us for an overview to the universe of protein problems that Protein Metrics is involved with understanding.

EU UGM 2022 – Structural Determinants Regulating Viral Spike Glycosylation and Biomolecular Interactions

Weston Strewe explores the structural biophysics of host-pathogen interactions and how glycosylation effects in viral infection


For fast ranking during expression vector design and clone selection, Lonza's setup for high throughput intact MS uses Protein Metric’s parsimonious charge deconvolution algorithm.

HDX-MS analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike ectodomain

Adding glycopeptides from spike to analysis of its conformational dynamics improves detail in visualizations, and fills in coverage gaps

From Here to Byosphere

A Global Biotherapeutic CDMO’s approach to Mass Spectrometry data processing

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