Featured Resources
PTM Analysis – How to Marry Speed and Confidence in R&D

John Reed covers the ins and outs of PTM analysis. He touches on peptide identification and the use of standard curves and weighted averaging of XICs - and a little bit of ice cream.

Bispecific MS Analysis and Cell Line Development

Unlock the complexities of Bispecific Analysis and immediately share simple to understand visualizations with others? That's exactly what Janssen's cell line development group have done. Come and find out how.

Oligo Analysis Simplified: Get Your Answers Faster with Microchip CE-MS

The method utilizes ZipChip, a microfluidic capillary zone electrophoresis-based separation coupled with HRAM mass-spectrometry (CE-MS) for rapid characterization of oligos in positive ionization mode.

Development of a HILIC method for detection of low abundant N-glyco-peptides

Florian Krattenmacher describes the thought process in the development and validation of methods for the detection of low abundance glycopeptides

EU UGM 2022 – Addressing MS Data Bottlenecks and Biopharmaceutical Case Studies

Dan Bach Kristensen covers the latest advancements linking chromeleon and byosphere in order to alleviate bottlenecks in data processing

EU UGM 2022 – Structural Determinants Regulating Viral Spike Glycosylation and Biomolecular Interactions

Weston Strewe explores the structural biophysics of host-pathogen interactions and how glycosylation effects in viral infection

EU UGM 2023: Impurity Characterisation of modified siRNA using Byos Oligo Workflow

Straight forward and intuitive Monoisotopic deconvolution is robust for chemically modified oligos

EU UGM 2023: The Growing Importance and Changing Needs for Data Analysis & Informatics – US UGM

The latest on our Oligo workflows including long digested oligonucleotides - especially mRNAs

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