Featured Resources
Data Visualisation for Routine Host Cell Protein Analysis

Presented with ThermoFisher - efficient and reliable protein identification and quantification results

Streamlining PTM Workflows: From Sample Prep to Data Analysis

Dan walks through Symphogen's tools for quantitative characterization of multiple quality attributes across samples. These include glycoform distribution, chemical degradation and disulphide isoform and scrambling.

Native MS and Cell Line Development

With increasing complexity and volume of biotherapeutics, Janssen describe how they are implementing Byosphere to bring clarity to manage their workflows and deliver concise information when and where its needed.

EU UGM 2022 – LC-MS and LC-MS/MS Analyses of Adeno-Associated Viruses Anc80

Jerome Jonveaux describes peptide and intact workflows developed for quantification of PTMs and comparison of AAV samples

High throughput screening and data analysis using Native Mass Spectrometry and Byos

Under carefully optimized instrumental conditions it is feasible to quantify the drug dissociation constant (Kd). OMass Therapeutics presents in house high-throughput native MS screening platform combined with high-throughput data processing.

EU UGM 2023: Introduction & State of the Union

Byosphere's latest goodies - automation, metadata and dashboards - plus whats coming down the line...

EU UGM 2023: Protein Metrics’ MAM application as a robust standard for PTM detection in large scale forced degradation studies

Creating robust standards and high throughput method development for large scale forced degradation studies and PTM reporting

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