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Assigning function to the structure of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 glycan shields

Weston Struwe of the University of Oxford describes the analysis of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 viral spikes and illustrate how glycomics/ glycoproteomics datasets can inform on their structural assembly and biological functions.

Automated de novo mAb Sequencing for a Modern Biotech

Using the right practical tools, de novo sequencing now can be easily turned into an in-house, higher throughput procedure with extremely high confidence.

Automation of Glycan and Peptide Mapping and Improving Efficiency and Quality

More samples, more tests and more complex modalities. Sound familiar? As Pfizer increased the number of assays to perform, Thomas Powers underscores that it is also critical to automate original routine assays and describes challenges tackled along the path.

Biosimilar Characterization

Seamlessly move between non-GxP and GxP to satisfy regulatory requirements with Byosphere. Regardless of the mass spec platform scientists can create workflows that allow comparisons with speed and with confidence

Oligo Analysis Simplified: Get Your Answers Faster with Microchip CE-MS

The method utilizes ZipChip, a microfluidic capillary zone electrophoresis-based separation coupled with HRAM mass-spectrometry (CE-MS) for rapid characterization of oligos in positive ionization mode.

Generating Wisdom from Raw Data

From wine, to marsupials to viruses. The amount of work happening today to understand biology has and will continue to exponentially increase. Join us for an overview to the universe of protein problems that Protein Metrics is involved with understanding.

EU UGM 2022 – LC-MS and LC-MS/MS Analyses of Adeno-Associated Viruses Anc80

Jerome Jonveaux describes peptide and intact workflows developed for quantification of PTMs and comparison of AAV samples

Optimization of a Label-Free Peptide Quantitation Strategy for Analysis of Therapeutic Proteins

Roche’s work underscores the importance of selecting an accurate strategy for PTM analysis, and shows the application of a customized report template and dynamic columns feature to optimize label-free peptide quantitation strategies

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