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Three Channel Charge Deconvolution

There are two quite different methods for determining the charge of m/z peaks:  peak spacing for isotope-resolved masses, and ratio relations among peaks for isotope-unresolved masses. Most software uses one method or the other, but Protein Metrics Intact Mass can use both information channels simultaneously, as well as a third channel...

Simplifying Oligonucleotide Characterization Using the BYOS Intact Mass Workflow

As they are polar and negatively charged, with many process-related impurities, purification and analytical methods can be challenging. We demonstrate the use of the BYOS Intact Mass Workflow to simplify the complex oligonucleotide spectra.

Automation of Glycan and Peptide Mapping and Improving Efficiency and Quality

More samples, more tests and more complex modalities. Sound familiar? As Pfizer increased the number of assays to perform, Thomas Powers underscores that it is also critical to automate original routine assays and describes challenges tackled along the path.

Oligo Analysis Simplified: Get Your Answers Faster with Microchip CE-MS

The method utilizes ZipChip, a microfluidic capillary zone electrophoresis-based separation coupled with HRAM mass-spectrometry (CE-MS) for rapid characterization of oligos in positive ionization mode.

Generating Wisdom from Raw Data

From wine, to marsupials to viruses. The amount of work happening today to understand biology has and will continue to exponentially increase. Join us for an overview to the universe of protein problems that Protein Metrics is involved with understanding.

Intact Profiling and Visualization of Urinary Prostate-Specific Antigen Profiles

Alan Moran presents a customized intact protein workflow for the analysis of intact PSA, exploring its N-glycome as well as other PSA proteoforms. An easier, faster, and more efficient data analysis and processing of clinically relevant PSA proteoforms is achieved.

EU UGM 2023: Bispecific Antibody Formats – Challenges in Peptide Mapping and how a Multi Enzyme Approach improves the Analysis of Sequence Variants

A new experimental set up utilizing a multi enzyme approach and the best approaches for quantification

Neutrophil azurophilic granule glycoproteins – atypical glycans

Glycoproteomics analysis of complex samples. What is the Impact of sample preparation, mass spectrometry and data analysis on your observed glycoproteome?

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