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Database Search of Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Oligonucleotides

In collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, Rose discusses MS1 and MS2 analysis of oligonucleotides and the application of Byonic proteomics features for these molecules

PTM Analysis – How to Marry Speed and Confidence in R&D

John Reed covers the ins and outs of PTM analysis. He touches on peptide identification and the use of standard curves and weighted averaging of XICs - and a little bit of ice cream.

Analytical Characterization of Oligonucleotides by LC-HRMS and BYOS

Joint presentation with Phenomenex, we show novel automatic identification of process-related impurities using high-resolution MS (HRMS), new LC columns for oligo analysis, and novel deconvolution / mass-matching software.

EU UGM 2023: Enhancing the Dimensionality of Glycoproteomics

Can sample pretreatment hide biologically important glycan species? Can Ion mobility be used to boost glycopeptide detction?

EU UGM 2023: Protein Metrics’ MAM application as a robust standard for PTM detection in large scale forced degradation studies

Creating robust standards and high throughput method development for large scale forced degradation studies and PTM reporting

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