Featured Resources
In-Depth Sequence Variant Analysis

SVs, considered impurities, exist at low levels and are challenging to detect and characterize. Learn about automated and flexible identification of these low abundance species

Streamlining PTM Workflows: From Sample Prep to Data Analysis

Dan walks through Symphogen's tools for quantitative characterization of multiple quality attributes across samples. These include glycoform distribution, chemical degradation and disulphide isoform and scrambling.

EAD: Making characterization of complex biotherapeutics routine

A new fragmentation technique with Sciex's ZenoTOF 7600 with a deep dive into the characterization of PTMs, S-S bond mapping and more with Byos

Native MS and Cell Line Development

With increasing complexity and volume of biotherapeutics, Janssen describe how they are implementing Byosphere to bring clarity to manage their workflows and deliver concise information when and where its needed.

EU UGM 2022 – EPO analysis using ZIP Chip CE-MS and Byos Software

Marshall Bern details the usage of Intact Mass deconvolution in order to tease apart the complex glycosylation profiles of EPO

EU UGM 2023: Byosphere assisted biopharmaceutical development

Moving to a centralized architecture for streamlining data management, integrity and traceability. Lessons learned from a Byosphere installation.

EU UGM 2023: Enhancing the Dimensionality of Glycoproteomics

Can sample pretreatment hide biologically important glycan species? Can Ion mobility be used to boost glycopeptide detction?

EU UGM 2023: Introduction & State of the Union

Byosphere's latest goodies - automation, metadata and dashboards - plus whats coming down the line...

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