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Unraveling the Twin Tales of Biosimilar and Innovator Glycans

N-glycans are omnipresent in the Fc region of monoclonal antibody products. Modifications to a glycan profile can impact a protein’s stability/folding, binding affinities, effector functions, clearance rates, and/or immunogenicity.

Data Visualisation for Routine Host Cell Protein Analysis

Presented with ThermoFisher - efficient and reliable protein identification and quantification results

EAD: Making characterization of complex biotherapeutics routine

A new fragmentation technique with Sciex's ZenoTOF 7600 with a deep dive into the characterization of PTMs, S-S bond mapping and more with Byos

Analysing the SARS-CoV-2 glycan shield with mass spec

Why are we interested in virus glycosylation in general? Max Crispin from the University of southampton gives us an intrudction to the topic as well as a deep dive into the elucidation of the SARS-CoV-2 Glycan shield

EU UGM 2022 – Structural Determinants Regulating Viral Spike Glycosylation and Biomolecular Interactions

Weston Strewe explores the structural biophysics of host-pathogen interactions and how glycosylation effects in viral infection

Detailed Analytical Characterization of a Bispecific IgG1 CrossMab Antibody of the Knob-into-Hole Format Applying Various Stress Conditions Revealed Pronounced Stability

A panel of stress conditions ( including temperature, pH, oxidizing agents, and forced glycation) were applied to identify and functionally evaluate critical quality attributes in the complementary-determining and conserved regions of a bispecific antibody was applied in this study.

Resolving Antibody Aggregation During Discovery & Development

Methods for analyzing footprinting data in the context of aggregation to arrive at actionable insights

Spotting the Outliers and New Peaks in MAM Runs Automatically

Unified data processing makes it easier to compare data within Dashboards and get the most out of your MAM results with no extra effort or pain

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