Featured Resources
Three Channel Charge Deconvolution

There are two quite different methods for determining the charge of m/z peaks:  peak spacing for isotope-resolved masses, and ratio relations among peaks for isotope-unresolved masses. Most software uses one method or the other, but Protein Metrics Intact Mass can use both information channels simultaneously, as well as a third channel...

Driving Efficiency in Pre-Clinical Development with Automated Mass-Spectrometry Analysis

The cell and developability sciences group is tasked with delivering lead manufacturing cell lines. Not only are the volume of request increasing, but so are the novelty and complexity of new molecules to characterize.

Generating Wisdom from Raw Data

From wine, to marsupials to viruses. The amount of work happening today to understand biology has and will continue to exponentially increase. Join us for an overview to the universe of protein problems that Protein Metrics is involved with understanding.

Development of a HILIC method for detection of low abundant N-glyco-peptides

Florian Krattenmacher describes the thought process in the development and validation of methods for the detection of low abundance glycopeptides

EU UGM 2022 – Addressing MS Data Bottlenecks and Biopharmaceutical Case Studies

Dan Bach Kristensen covers the latest advancements linking chromeleon and byosphere in order to alleviate bottlenecks in data processing

Characterizing the glycan shield of the Hepatitis C E1E2 glycoprotein complex using mass spectrometry

Maddy Newby takes us through the steps for unravelling the structural details of the E1E2 glycoprotein complex whilst also uncovering a novel glycan site within a non-canonical N-linked glycan site.

Optimization of a Label-Free Peptide Quantitation Strategy for Analysis of Therapeutic Proteins

Roche’s work underscores the importance of selecting an accurate strategy for PTM analysis, and shows the application of a customized report template and dynamic columns feature to optimize label-free peptide quantitation strategies

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