Featured Resources
Intact Antibody and Plasma Glycoprotein Analysis with Native MS

Albert Heck talks about how Native MS can provide detailed information about the structural integrity, glycosylation patterns, drug loading and non-covalent interactions of mAbs and other biopharmaceuticals.

Streamlining PTM Workflows: From Sample Prep to Data Analysis

Dan walks through Symphogen's tools for quantitative characterization of multiple quality attributes across samples. These include glycoform distribution, chemical degradation and disulphide isoform and scrambling.

Biosimilar Characterization

Seamlessly move between non-GxP and GxP to satisfy regulatory requirements with Byosphere. Regardless of the mass spec platform scientists can create workflows that allow comparisons with speed and with confidence

Bispecific MS Analysis and Cell Line Development

Unlock the complexities of Bispecific Analysis and immediately share simple to understand visualizations with others? That's exactly what Janssen's cell line development group have done. Come and find out how.

EPO: Separation and Analysis

EPO has also been historically very difficult to characterize by traditional approaches. Looking for a faster, simpler way of separating and analyzing?

EU UGM 2023: Impurity Characterisation of modified siRNA using Byos Oligo Workflow

Straight forward and intuitive Monoisotopic deconvolution is robust for chemically modified oligos

EU UGM 2023: Protein Metrics’ MAM application as a robust standard for PTM detection in large scale forced degradation studies

Creating robust standards and high throughput method development for large scale forced degradation studies and PTM reporting

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