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Three Channel Charge Deconvolution

There are two quite different methods for determining the charge of m/z peaks:  peak spacing for isotope-resolved masses, and ratio relations among peaks for isotope-unresolved masses. Most software uses one method or the other, but Protein Metrics Intact Mass can use both information channels simultaneously, as well as a third channel...

An Implementation of Vendor-Neutral Multi-Attribute Method (MAM)

Ben Niu speaks to setting up automatable workflows from sample preparation all the way through to data analysis and capable of handling a large number of samples.

Automated Feedback Control of Protein Characteristics in a Perfusion Bioprocess

“Open-loop control” is standard control strategy for biomanufacturing – Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) are maintained within set ranges by controlling Critical Process Parameters (CPPs). Mass spectrometry is an ideal tool for PAT.

EU UGM 2022 – EPO analysis using ZIP Chip CE-MS and Byos Software

Marshall Bern details the usage of Intact Mass deconvolution in order to tease apart the complex glycosylation profiles of EPO

Detailed Analytical Characterization of a Bispecific IgG1 CrossMab Antibody of the Knob-into-Hole Format Applying Various Stress Conditions Revealed Pronounced Stability

A panel of stress conditions ( including temperature, pH, oxidizing agents, and forced glycation) were applied to identify and functionally evaluate critical quality attributes in the complementary-determining and conserved regions of a bispecific antibody was applied in this study.

EU UGM 2023: Bispecific Antibody Formats – Challenges in Peptide Mapping and how a Multi Enzyme Approach improves the Analysis of Sequence Variants

A new experimental set up utilizing a multi enzyme approach and the best approaches for quantification

Spotting the Outliers and New Peaks in MAM Runs Automatically

Unified data processing makes it easier to compare data within Dashboards and get the most out of your MAM results with no extra effort or pain

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