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Implementing an Enterprise Solution for MAM with LC-UV-MS

Move from the Desktop environment to a true Enterprise one with the same workflows. Byosphere® brings the capability to create dashboards, provide queries, and get away from cutting and pasting from hen external data repositories.

How to Advance Your Host Cell Protein Analysis with Mass Spectrometry

What problem HCPs should you look for? When to implement MS analysis of HCPs in product development? How to use MS to complement other analytical techniques? Kevin van Cott has the answers...

Streamlining PTM Workflows: From Sample Prep to Data Analysis

Dan walks through Symphogen's tools for quantitative characterization of multiple quality attributes across samples. These include glycoform distribution, chemical degradation and disulphide isoform and scrambling.

Oligo Analysis Simplified: Get Your Answers Faster with Microchip CE-MS

The method utilizes ZipChip, a microfluidic capillary zone electrophoresis-based separation coupled with HRAM mass-spectrometry (CE-MS) for rapid characterization of oligos in positive ionization mode.

EU UGM 2023: Enhancing the Dimensionality of Glycoproteomics

Can sample pretreatment hide biologically important glycan species? Can Ion mobility be used to boost glycopeptide detction?

EU UGM 2023: Introduction & State of the Union

Byosphere's latest goodies - automation, metadata and dashboards - plus whats coming down the line...

EU UGM 2023: Protein Metrics’ MAM application as a robust standard for PTM detection in large scale forced degradation studies

Creating robust standards and high throughput method development for large scale forced degradation studies and PTM reporting

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