Featured Resources
Unraveling the Twin Tales of Biosimilar and Innovator Glycans

N-glycans are omnipresent in the Fc region of monoclonal antibody products. Modifications to a glycan profile can impact a protein’s stability/folding, binding affinities, effector functions, clearance rates, and/or immunogenicity.

Database Search of Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Oligonucleotides

In collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, Rose discusses MS1 and MS2 analysis of oligonucleotides and the application of Byonic proteomics features for these molecules

Automation of Glycan and Peptide Mapping and Improving Efficiency and Quality

More samples, more tests and more complex modalities. Sound familiar? As Pfizer increased the number of assays to perform, Thomas Powers underscores that it is also critical to automate original routine assays and describes challenges tackled along the path.

Analytical Characterization of Oligonucleotides by LC-HRMS and BYOS

Joint presentation with Phenomenex, we show novel automatic identification of process-related impurities using high-resolution MS (HRMS), new LC columns for oligo analysis, and novel deconvolution / mass-matching software.

EU UGM 2022 – Structural Determinants Regulating Viral Spike Glycosylation and Biomolecular Interactions

Weston Strewe explores the structural biophysics of host-pathogen interactions and how glycosylation effects in viral infection

EU UGM 2023: Impurity Characterisation of modified siRNA using Byos Oligo Workflow

Straight forward and intuitive Monoisotopic deconvolution is robust for chemically modified oligos

Increasing Analytical Efficiency at a CDMO

FUJIFILM Diosynths’ Caleb Bagley took us through addressing the challenges of automating capabilities, streamlining reporting and post processing data mining for instant insights.

Optimization of a Label-Free Peptide Quantitation Strategy for Analysis of Therapeutic Proteins

Roche’s work underscores the importance of selecting an accurate strategy for PTM analysis, and shows the application of a customized report template and dynamic columns feature to optimize label-free peptide quantitation strategies

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